All Posts By Nivedita Sood

CI/CD: How to switch from Manual to Automated development

CI/CD: How to switch from Manual to Automated development

When speaking of manual and automatic development, the importance of CI/CD is no longer in question. Speed and reliability are the two main benefits of CI/CD. In this blog I am sharing what made me do CI/CD and all the ins and outs one needs to implement CI/CD pipeline in their projects. The post will also cover how you…

Storyshots – a powerful side of Storybook to Visual Test React Components

Storyshots – a powerful side of Storybook to Visual Test React Components

At a consumer-oriented business like, we like to maintain discipline around our React components, the way they look, feel and behave in the real world for our customers. The benefits of writing functional tests with 90–100% code coverage have now become obvious to us. But I felt functional tests were still not answering an…

How to analyze your sites speed and make it faster?

How to analyze your sites speed and make it faster?

Today, our users have no patience for websites with poor screen load speeds. They just naturally expect the pages they visit to load fast and run smooth. Your web pages need to not only load quickly, but also run well; that means scrolling, animations and interactions should be silky smooth. Industry case studies have also proven the fact that high-performing sites engage and…

Pocket Guide to Writing your own SVG

Pocket Guide to Writing your own SVG

We live in the age of pixels. As designers & developers of the web, pixels can be both our friends and our enemies. We want everything to look nice and sharp on all devices, but we need to keep file sizes down for performance. There is pretty much only one way to go with icons,…