
Improve Accessibility by Invisible Unclickable Link

Improve Accessibility by Invisible Unclickable Link

Accessibility is one of the most important things to consider when developing a site, but it is often overlooked. For a Web site to have better accessibility it must have a good Accessibility score and can be accessed easily by all users. Here we will be looking into one such technique which almost all the…

Useful JavaScript Data Grid Libraries

Useful JavaScript Data Grid Libraries

Although there exist numerous data grid libraries around the world, not all may fit our app and business needs. First, let’s understand what a data grid is. Data grids are table components that load, present, and manipulate large data sets. Data grids are often designed to be efficient and streamlined due to the enormous amount…

Authentication for your application

Authentication for your application

Authentication A process or act of proving something to be valid in general or verifying the identity of a particular user or validity of a process in application terms is what authentication is. But how exactly does one prove to be the person they claim to be in order to access the application or do specific…

Bootstrapping React app with Webpack + Babel from Scratch

Bootstrapping React app with Webpack + Babel from Scratch

Webpack is a popular module bundling system built on top of Node. js. It can handle the combination and minification of JavaScript and CSS files and other assets such as image files, fonts, etc. through the use of plugins. Before we jump into webpack here’s the full list of features we are going to set…

DevSecOps: The Big Picture

DevSecOps: The Big Picture

Understanding DevSecOps Concepts DevSecOps is a way of approaching IT security with an “everyone is responsible for security” mindset. It involves injecting security practices into an organization’s DevOps pipeline. The goal is to incorporate security into all stages of the software development workflow. That’s contradictory to its predecessor development models — DevSecOps means you’re not…

How computer generates a Random Number?

How computer generates a Random Number?

Almost every programming language has a `Rand` function to generate a Random Number, but how computer generates a random number. In this post, I will try to answer that very question. To understand how a computer generates a Random Number, we must understand how a computer works? A computer works in a simple way, you…

How to convert Class components to Function components in React

How to convert Class components to Function components in React

In the world of React, there are two ways of writing a React component. 1. Class Component A class component is an ES6 JavaScript class that extends from  React.Component class. React.Component objects have a state, meaning the object can hold information that can change over the lifetime of the object. They can also respond to lifecycle methods,…

Efficient way to use Google search engine.

Efficient way to use Google search engine.

These days Google search results have become a significant part of our daily work. Sometimes we have to search or find results according to our specific question. However, we don’t get the answer in the first keyword search, maybe because most people didn’t even know that there are some efficient ways by which they get…

7 different JavaScript console methods you never knew existed!

7 different JavaScript console methods you never knew existed!

So being a JavaScript developer whenever I have to debug my code, the first thing that comes to my mind is adding a console.log(). Is this the only way of debugging using a console object? Why does all my console data look similar? What if I can add some colors to my console data? What if…

Merits and demerits of removing PM2 from NodeJS docker container

Merits and demerits of removing PM2 from NodeJS docker container

Background Our story starts with us trying to implement a feature on one of our nodes in back-end applications. Sangam Athena. During these implementations, we realized that our application was using a high amount of ram and also there were a large number of containers being launched to serve traffic. Athena was comparatively a lightweight…